When Sekiro came out we jumped into it right away. I had a little experience with Dark Souls so I thought this would be a piece of cake. Boy was I wrong. This game features a combat system so much different from that of the other FromSoft games, I was immediately blown away. After a few frustrated nights and actually giving up for a few weeks, we tried again. After successfully beating the boss I was stuck on I was able to get further into the game and get stuck….again. But thats what makes these games amazing and Sekiro is much different then the others. It causes you to experiment with different techniques rather then just memorizing a bosses moveset and thats why I think Sekiro has the funnest combat in all of the series. Here is our list of achievements although I am planning on doing more challenge runs in the future
Blind Playthrough Immortal Severance
Demon Bell – Purification (All Bosses)